Thursday, February 07, 2008


A big thank you this morning to the birds across the street.
Little did you know, while scavenging for food in the snow, there was a watcher among you. Thank you for being so entertaining and flying from our rooftop into the snow with such acrobatics. Thank you for not being afraid of these darn snow storms. Had it not been for you keeping my son in utter silence for an hour and a half I would not have been able to fold laundry, wash dishes (and bottles), and watch American Idol from last night. I owe you some bird food, and I promise to deliver (just as soon as I can get to the store). Hopefully you'll come back some day!

On a side note, after all was done, my boredom and mischeviousness got the best of me...I had to open the window and yell out just to see all of them scatter away. I laughed ridiculously as one of them flew into the window and smashed its berry on the pane (Don't worry, no birds were harmed, only slightly dazed). I looked down to see if Talmage thought it was as funny as I did but he was in that pre-cry stage and apparently I am a mean mom for making all the birds go away. Nothing a phone call to grandma couldn't fix. So maybe the birds will come back (with a food bribe) and I will return to mother-of-the-world status! I hope, I hope, I hope.


Cameron Family said...

That is funny! It is the little things that entertain them....We had had deer behind our house and I have to amdit I fond myself just sitting and staring at them.

amy said...

Leah, your blogs crack me up! I get excited to see your next blog because I know it's going to give me a great laugh. This one did just that!

Brittany said...

Hey, I found you via Erica's site! What a nice surprise! Now I have you on my page and I hope that's ok. Glad to see things are going well. Your boys are adorable!